How does the hand symbol in q drop #3684 differ from the OK sign?
In hindsight, I think I overlooked Occam’s Razor. It’s probably just that the Deep State MSM is working to tarnish the reputation of military member for the same hand sign to which they never objected when it was used by Deep Staters like HIllary, Obama etc.
ransomnote wrote:
“How does the hand symbol in q drop #3684 differ from the OK sign?
In hindsight, I think I overlooked Occams Razor. Its probably just that the Deep State MSM is working to tarnish the reputation of military member for the same hand sign to which they never objected when it was used by Deep Staters like HIllary, Obama etc.”
You’re right, the DS co-opts everyday things for their own use....
Hide in plain sight.