Maybe... for TV. It is quoted nowhere as supportive legal evidence that I am aware of. Mueller himself drowned the thing when he appeared before the House to testify... said he never heard of Fusion GPS - while investigating Russian interference in the 2016 elections. A total embarrassment.
Roger Stone was going to use the FBI / Crowdstrike anomaly to get the case against him dismissed; it was presumed the FBI could not sustain the claim that the Russians fed DNC messages to WikiLeaks; I don't know why that didn't work for Stone. I don't see how the FBI could introduce evidence in court about something they never verified --- oh, yeah: FISA and the Steele Dossier. We'll just see about that.
Obama judge wouldn't allow him to challenge the assertion.
The RATs are defending at all costs the (probably) FAKE story that the Russians hacked DNC and Podesta.
Likewise, they have circled the wagons around Ukraine being "Completely innocent" of ... well .... EVERYTHING.
I think Ukraine/Soros is at the center of their corruption, and a lot of Republicans are feeding at the same trough.
Go Rudy!