To: TarasBulbous; bagster
These people are fundamentalists, there is no room for logic or reason here
Typical boomer response. Your lazy ass hasn’t done jack, so you have to resort to childish insults. Name calling and posting embarrassing nonsense... Snowflower comes on thread insulting everyone and can't understand why it gets insulted back. So sad. Needs participation trophy.
178 posted on
12/02/2019 7:06:08 PM PST by
(To the Left, The Truth is Right Wing Extremism.)
To: TangoLimaSierra
participation trophy Who's the hole?
231 posted on
12/02/2019 8:56:46 PM PST by
(We need to reach across the aisle, extend a hand...And slap the crap out of them) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson