Agreed, but I am NOT talking about regular thug shootings with incidental victims. Hence why I state TRUE mass murders. I still think they are UP, at least as far as frequency. # of events, not just “actual killed” which could be extremely unfortunate or lucky, all chance, so isn’t very informative.
I understand, I was just clarifying there.
I do think there is some validity to the point someone brought up about the regional aspect, though. 50 years ago we didn’t have 100 people instantly tweeting every time someone killed someone else in East Armpit Township - whether it was in a school, a bar, at home, wherever.
Doesn’t explain it all, but people just weren’t as instantly aware of every violent instance wherever it happened back in the day. Maybe that’s part of the reason folks tend to see such days as a more pleasant time. They weren’t burdened with all the troubles in every tiny corner of the world and had there hands full with just their local problems.