Was visiting the old stomping grounds in New Jersey. We went to my wife’s best friend’s house. Her husband told me about the fox that got into their chicken coop and killed a bunch of them. He said he trapped the fox and took it across the river and released him.
“You released it? I would have shot it.”
“Oh. Well, that is what I did - but I don’t tell folks that - never know who might take offense to it.”
Just like a lot of states, there are good folks there. And lots of liberals that move out into the country and then complain about country ways.
Its even worse here in California. I taught our puppy to play dead by pointing my finger at him and saying BANG!
When I showed his trick off at the local dog park, I just knew some idiot would complain.
Sure enough, the very first time I showed little Cody off doing his new trick, some middle aged guy got his panties all bunched up and twisted Dont you know thats not appropriate, not PC? he asked.
I gave him a steely look of disdain and replied That is EXACTLY why I taught him that.