<<< “ ... the crowd at the world series reacts tonight....
I have to imagine a huge cheer for POTUS will make the Dems Schiff their pants. :^) “ >>>
Oh, wow, you’re right! Our great POTUS and OUR side could USE a Roar from the crowd for a change!
I am more worried about crowd security at a large stadium venue than how the fans react. Keep POTUS and the security team in PRAYER!But the killing of Al Bagdaddi has to send night sweats to Hillary who was running guns out of Benghazi to Isis. And Obama as well. I understand Obama is up as the replacement for Al Bagdaddi? I have been LOL all morning that Nancy and Shiff were not notified...
Posting blind, new fire about 13 miles away, not far enough as far as I am concerned.