#2 - no mention of having to be a citizen ?
#3 - no fairness there ? average may be more than I currently pay, plus these things are already fee categorized via location - in the private as well as the CMS sectors.
#4 -
1. new tax on people and business
2. additional new tax on business that is means tested
3. as long as you are going the lock box route via an amendment, might as well include SS & Medicare taxes into their own lock box
bottom line, anything stated as “permanently capped” via a constitutional amendment...
How can the Constitution deny what it expressly allows ?
so, how much and where does it come from, to finance the research that has to be done to even put the plan in writing ?
First, yes you would definitely, absolutely, 1000% have to be a US Citizen to access.
As for the rest, I know :(
But I’m trying..