Dang Ive been supeoned by a rabbit, the judge is a skunk and Bambis mommy is the prosecutor. This may not go well ....
57 posted on
10/26/2019 10:49:27 AM PDT by
( Liberals, leftists, Rinos, moslems, illegals, lamestream media. All want America to fail and die)
Tune in next year for the exciting peta entry into the case.
58 posted on
10/26/2019 10:51:24 AM PDT by
( Liberals, leftists, Rinos, moslems, illegals, lamestream media. All want America to fail and die)
To: no-to-illegals
Not to worry rumor has it someone put out a hit on Bambi’s mommy. You may get out of it on a mistrial...
59 posted on
10/26/2019 10:57:18 AM PDT by
null and void
(Convicted spies are shot, traitors are hanged, saboteurs are subject to summary execution...)
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