To: BenLurkin; sionnsar; abigailsmybaby; A CA Guy; airborne; Aloysius88; Altariel; Americanwolf; ...
We will not be on a Zot Thread this month.
Please give a thanks to BenLurkin for donating this delving into the human consciousness.
47 posted on
10/26/2019 10:18:52 AM PDT by
(Those who support liberal "Republicans" summarily support every action by same.)
To: Darksheare
That Buck that ran over my vehicle was hallucinatory ? That explain the death of better halfs and my vehicle. Hope I can undo this hallucination
48 posted on
10/26/2019 10:28:39 AM PDT by
( Liberals, leftists, Rinos, moslems, illegals, lamestream media. All want America to fail and die)
To: Darksheare; BenLurkin
I'll reorient/relocate right after I get done prepping my Halloween candy.
49 posted on
10/26/2019 10:28:53 AM PDT by
(When we allow 'progressives' control of the language, lies replace Truth)
To: Darksheare
Rut time is not a great time for cars.
50 posted on
10/26/2019 10:29:56 AM PDT by
( Liberals, leftists, Rinos, moslems, illegals, lamestream media. All want America to fail and die)
To: Darksheare; BenLurkin
Thanks, Ben Lurkin, for the use of your thread, and thank you, Darks, for bringing us all to this point intact!! I love you guys!! <3
63 posted on
10/26/2019 11:41:54 AM PDT by
Monkey Face
(Diplomacy is telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for directions.W.Churchill)
To: Tax-chick
Today's my birthday! I had an egg benedict! But I still need something chocolate.
To: Darksheare
Tripy Viking Kitty reporting negative hallucinations.
72 posted on
10/26/2019 1:11:43 PM PDT by
Delta 21
(Be strong & prosper, be weak & die! Stay true.... ~~ Donald J. Trump)
To: Darksheare
74 posted on
10/26/2019 4:44:40 PM PDT by
(If you can't do something well, you won't do anything good.)
To: Darksheare; AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; Bockscar; ...
There's a good chance you hallucinated this week without ever knowing it
Sounds perfect to me. Hey, aren't they in a permanent state of hallucination in the news media and the rest of the entertainment industry?
110 posted on
10/27/2019 10:49:18 AM PDT by
(Imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson