Mitt Romney has reason to worry about Trump looking into Ukraine,........
Is anyone familiar with Sibel Edmonds? I bought her book Classified Woman when it came out and it is horrifying what was done to her when she came out as a whistle blower.
Yes, Sibel Edmonds is a REAL FBI whistle blower and an important one. I also bought her book.
Because of her book, I knew how corrupt the FBI is long before it came out how utterly crooked was Comey/McCabe etc. I tried to say this on FR (before the FReeQ thread), but got more-or-less shouted down about how Comey was this great incorruptible lawman who would take down HRC for her renegade email server.
Hahahahah. I don't recall those Comey lovers on FR apologizing for being so WRONG.
Anyway, as you know, Edmonds exposed an extensive Turkish spy ring within the FBI translation bureau, BLATANTLY FALSIFYING TRANSLATIONS, especially of Farsi (i.e.,Iranian) material.
Edmonds also talked about how the web of large-scale bribery extended throughout the government, including Congress; and, she specifically talked about the total corruption of then SecDef William Cohen, the "Republican" in the (surprise, surprise) Clinton cabinet.
I happened to become acquainted through business with a retired 2-star General who had worked directly for Cohen in DoD, and she (the retired General) verified to me personally, over dinner one night, that Cohen was/is completely crooked on a large scale.