- - - was pretty sure Epstein was a dead man walking as long as he was kept in the NYC MCC, that facility being run entirely by DemonShits.
BUT take another look: What they set up at NYC MCC and the pics released, SMELLS. They gave lots of hints of not being exactly what they were putting out. Yes, hints to us.
All the nonsense of dead really a extraction with no one around to talk about it.
[a really GOOD one is 3min chat bet Mike of BatonRougeIIRC and Rush on the Mon after, Aug12, the 3min just before the half hour of the second hour.
Rush began talking sound very perky sort of and glad, guess he knew what was coming. started saying so the FBI - - -
you gotta listen to Mike. He is as good as they come, believable, knowledgeable , ,
Mike tells Rush, No, SS. Rush considers, talks on, again FBI and no, SS. more and more. soo good. By the end Rush is agreeing with SS.
Think about it. Makes it more believeable. How it could have been done [Mike had an answer for this just as cut off with time tsk
And JE is valuable to White Hats to pursue all the deep states.
Some of my thinking and info in previous post.