Statement from Jim Watkins, owner of 8chan, regarding recent events:
Manifesto that May have been written by the idiot in Tx was posted on Instagram...
Thank you for posting that, crazy stuff. So law enforcement knew the manifesto wasn’t uploaded by the El Paso shooter or may not have been written by him but LE still pushed it like it was very possible. Then all the media and derps ran with it like it was true.
Smells of so much derp coordination going on here. With Barr in charge of the DOJ now, I really do hope this derp coordination blows up in their faces and Americans get the truth on who is really behind these tragedies.
The stench is clear and apparent ... it was all such a setup
I don't have a clear view of who pushed this particular allegation, but keep in mind that every institution at every level of government can be infested with liberals, or at least liberal spox and leadership.
I believe the announcement by one who ought to know in the eight-chan, that the manifesto got to eight-chan from instagram (shooter could have posted in more than one place, FWIW, making all the places toxic according to the rules), was made public two days AFTER the "blame eight-chan" narrative was advanced.
Also, it is 100% fact that all institutions are self-serving first, and will hide, omit, defend and deflect allegation that is unflattering to the institution. Even good and honorable institutions behave this way.
As for getting to the truth, that exercise is left up to the individual. No institution can be trusted to deliver it.