There are many, many burnt trees in Paradise. Perhaps you were expected all of them to burn to the ground. I have pictures of burnt trees in Coffey Park from the fire in Santa Rosa the year before, some are still standing. Much depends on how quickly the fire moves, how much water the trees retain and the general terrain. In both fires there was plenty of dry vegetation to burn. Both fires were started by PG&E power lines coming down and sparking in the heavy winds. There is no mystery about either fire.
Power lines were secondary and limited scope in the Paradise fires.
Too many anomalous events.
If PGE power lines caused the fires, the event would cause world wide changes to fire codes since commercial facilities with deluge FP systems failed to keep the facilities safe, when asphalt and surrounding vegetation wasn’t burnt.
Directed energy weapons are most consistent cause, to explain observed forensic evidence reported by seasoned fire fighters on the scene for 10 days after the event.