This perpetual Black victimhood narrative is tiring. Hispanics and Asians in America are passing them by in economic success, and this idiot is crying racism about a ship that sunk over a hundred years ago. Get over it Bro, but then again we know you wont!
stop noticing this, reality ruins the story.
When not bad decisions but merely indifferent life choices become generational ... and though there will be individuals to turn against the tide, who maybe even sway a small community to a better path ... but for those who don’t but stay the course (never mind generationalize bad choices) unless they change their ways and beliefs that ship sailed for them a long time ago too.
Only they’re still proverbially drowning right where they live.
Hispanics and Asians in America are passing them by in economic success,
As to the ‘real’ answer to the question “Why?”, any attempt to figure that out is instantly branded as ‘racist’.