Posted on 05/15/2019 9:36:54 AM PDT by rktman
And people still die every day of cancer and heart disease. I wouldn't care if this wasn't such a massive misallocation of resources.
2040 - 2019 = 21
End of the world in: 12
21 - 12 = 9
The ban will go into effect 9 years after the end of the world.
This is going to make AOC really, really, really angry. (Why does no one comment on the fact that she waves her arms around at least as much as Beto does, or did, before he got called on it?)
so thankful I will be dead and long gone way before 2040. I shudder to think of what USA will be like then, IF there is a USA by then...
Great song :)
Kinda rolling the dice thinking I would know that song but it was a good bet :)
And a Great Band. Actually cerebral.
Yeah Merkley, that co2 you're breathing in comprises about .04 percent of the Earth's atmosphere. How do your lungs stand it?When I take a lungful of air in this moment, it has 30 percent more carbon in it than when I was born, Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley, the bills main sponsor told The Huffington Post on Wednesday. That is a change that has never happened in a single generation of humankind on this planet.
The salient point is that the content of CO2 in your exhaled breath is 10% or so. Maybe more. Thats assuming that 20% of inhaled air is oxygen, and the lungs absorb only 50% of it, replacing that oxygen with carbon dioxide.So were talking an increase in CO2 in exhaled breath from10% to 10.04%. Al Gore once claimed that the increase in trace CO2 intake caused brain damage. Id say that believing that is proof of brain damage, but by no means the cause of it.
Very interesting bit of history there! Thanks for sharing that. I had no idea the priests in Quebec told the immigrants to not mingle with the rest of Canada.
My Mom’s maternal side emigrated to Canada from England about the 1860s, settled a few years in Galt and Ingersoll, Ont, spent about 15 years in Fleming and Welwyn, Sask, then briefly in Red Deer, Alta, before finally settling permanently in Creston, BC around 1908.
It seems they were never subjected to those Quebec ideas. I was amazed to learn how much and how frequently them moved and over such long distances.
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