I really like this idea...the one point that Sky Pilot made the other day that I did agree with was you put them in a Santruary City and no one to watch them, they leave and go to another city or State...
Ankle bracelets, with stipulation that if they travel outside the Sanctuary City, they are immediately deported with no possibility for immigration in the future.
Ankle bracelets, with stipulation that if they travel outside the Sanctuary City, they are immediately deported with no possibility for immigration in the future.
Fabulous Idea!!! Look at the jobs that will make, putting people to work to make billions of ankle bracelets...you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ankle bracelets are a great idea. They wouldnt be here now if those waiting for court dates had been in ankle bracelets all along. Instead they are release never to show up for court dates.
I don’t see why Homeland Security can’t place ankle bracelets on all of them while they await their chance to see a judge.
If they take them off: SHAZAM! You’re deported!