What is happening in Florida? Things seem to be avalaching into hell there.
I lived in Arizona for 50 years and never saw one rattlesnake or scorpion.
I've lived in Florida for ten years now and people like you seem to think that Florida is going to hell in a hand basket
Even though I have been to the Waffle House in this story (it is 35 miles away in the big city), I don't notice crime any worse here than in another places.
We live in the country, but most big cities have crime like this story. Shootings, robberies, drugs, etc.
I wouldn't pin it just on Florida. Ever hear of Chicago? Baltimore? Detroit? Oakland? Miami?
I think it is a sign of the times. Breakdown of morals, families, religion, behavior.
I don't see it affecting me here on my farm. But then, that's why I moved out of the city and to a rural area to escape the violence. I managed to do that but the violence is still in society. Just not out here on the farm.
I wouldn't agree about it avalanching into hell here. But violence is pervasive in the country's urban culture and not just in Florida.
In Florida we have no more crazies than in Alaska. The Alaskan wierdnesses just don’t resonate in the 48. We get most of the publicity.
What’s happening there is the same as everywhere else. Check the website of your local police and look at the crime reports.
Not every story makes its way into the papers or blogs. There is simply too much of it.
The press is probably treating keyword Florida and gun or shooting as a priority story to report because of that last school shooting. Events like that get ratings and they are trying to continue to capitalize on that.
What appears in the press is not the totality of what happens. Your error in logic is the same many make when it comes to guns. Since the press almost never reports on people defending themselves successfully compared to mass shootings, which are always reported, it skews the perception.
If all you knew of cars were the accidents and big pileups you see in the news, you might be inclined to ban those too.