Yeah you are right, that blood reference was one of the things I was thinking about.
I also remember reading about the mold too!
That was something drilled into my head as a kid by my grandfather that the bible had the answer to all man’s questions. I spent the years I had with him trying to stump him on that too. If he did not have the answer right away, he went and found it. I have been remiss in my reading of God’s word... WAY too many years, first a typical kid and thought I knew it all... Then when I got a little older and did have questions, I got lazy with the internet, doing searches like what does the bible say about “X”.
I think I’ve only been cover to cover twice. I used to watch or listen to Arnold Murray a lot because he completely broke down everything-like the origin and meaning of words, names of people, places and things, and what the customs were then which really helped me understand better.
I need to read more. My excuse is I bump into so much prayer, scripture study and commentary on here that I’m covered but I really need to prepare for if or when the bible is no longer so easily available.
There’s nothing wrong with internet searches. You’re still searching scripture like you’re supposed to.
You’re just doing it a while lot faster.