Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)
During the Clinton presidential years; Whitewater, BCCI was buried under the Lewinski crap. I believe the Lewinski stuff was to cover for Bush 41 and Clinton CIA mena law breaking.
During the Whitewater hearings, Micheal Chertoff was a lawyer for the Republicans and I believed in him. Unfortunately, now, I see him as a DS.
Thank you. Good info.
BCCI was a huge scandal that has connected the Clintons. They, like other corrupted politians, have a different justice system.
During the 1990s, if I remember this correctly, the American Spectator and the National Review did much reporting.
Clinton, and many others, have been dirty and corrupt for years.
Good post. Haven't seen you on this thread before. Welcome, if so. 😊
Excellent point! Worthy of reflection.
To add to this, I believe the Clinton election in '92 was also rigged by the DS globalists including B41.
Their MOTIVE was that the Senate was still RAT, and so Bush would never have been able to RATIFY NAFTA and WTO--two PRIME OBJECTIVES of the sleazy globalists.
Evidence of "FIX"? -- Perot (including bizarre behavior to keep an early version of MAGA from taking off); "Read my lips"; 1990-91 recession caused by needless FED tightening.