[Controlled by those who worked for the Clintons]
They have ZERO control now.
Good grief !!! When was this hearing? A year or more ago?
Why McConnell wants a vote on the New Green Deal.
TRUMPS MARCHING ORDERS: McConnell Trolls Dems, Calls For Green New Deal Vote
In a surprising Trump-like move, Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has announced that he will be bringing the Green New Deal to the Senate floor for a vote. In a press conference, he tells reporters that he it will give everybody an opportunity to see how they feel about the Green New Deal.
Trump clearly sees this as a losing issue for Democrats, and wants them to be forced to go on record either for or against the issue.
Now McConnell is mirroring Trumps calls, announcing a floor vote on the controversial issue.
Green New Deal has virtually zero chance of passing through the Senate, but the vote will clearly put Democrats on record either for or against the measure.
Gotta get the webs off em!