Don leads by his Dxxk,cheated on his wife before.She forgave him and had more kids.He broke her heart and made a lot of children sad.His own children.
I don’t understand how someone could just walk away from a supportive wife and five young children, but my life has nothing in common with Don Jr’s life. He grew up in a very wealthy environment and doesn’t worry about mundane things as I have always done in my adult years. When you don’t really need to worry about having enough money for a decent life, it’s bound to shape your perspective on what priorities should be. I’m not envious, just observant.
There are people, both men and women, who are not made to be monogamous, and will not thrive in that lifestyle. Having one partner for life is not natural for them.
It’s best to be honest. Some folks would stay in the marriage anyway because of the children, while others live more for the present, not the future, twenty or thirty years away when the nest is emptied.
Divorce is never to be celebrated.
Having been through one, I know.