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To: MNDude
I meant does she have a Senator NoName kind of cancer.

I think her cancer is probably real.

1,898 posted on 12/21/2018 10:47:12 AM PST by pgkdan (The Silent Majority STILL Stands With TRUMP! WWG1WGA)
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To: pgkdan

An ANON thought chimes in:

Medfag take on RBG
First, lets look at her history. Pancreatic and Colon cancer. Both have high rates of metastatic spread. She “beat” (spoken more as a prayer by the left than any scientific based assessment) both.
Several items can be taken away from her recent history.
1. She has no predisposing risks for a primary cancer of the lungs. This most likely presents as a secondary metastasis. More likely a recurrence of her pancreatic cancer than colon. The tumors in her lungs were likely discovered on a chest CT taken during her rib fracture treatment. For them to have gone in and taken them out would indicate that they are large and fast growing. They would likely have been detected at her annual checkup otherwise or, if they were small, would have been monitored over the next 6 months to determine if they were concerning and growing rapidly. This indicates to me that they were large and were likely known to be cancerous because other lesions were seen on the bone and in the CT scan.
2. Her fall was into a piece of furniture, not onto the floor. She is active, has the best medical care available, and likely has some mild to moderate osteoporosis. This would not account for the fracture. Given the location and degree of trauma this is likely a pathologic fracture from mets to her bone.
3. Her recent appearance where should had difficulty remembering constitutional facts and had to be reminded could be attributed to her age (85) but also could be early findings of mets to the brain.
4. Likely she has a recurrent pancreatic cancer that has rapidly spread and is most likely a stage IV at this time. 5 year survival is less than 1.5%. Given past history and age you are looking at months, perhaps several weeks. In any event it would be difficult or impossible for her to serve in the next court session.

1,899 posted on 12/21/2018 10:48:44 AM PST by Enigo54 (Hank Reardon was right)
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