Let’s stop the bullmalarkey. Nothing is going to hurt the Democrats. Republicans had all three chambers of government for two years and the only person hurt was the top Republican. For crying out loud, they couldn’t even manage to get rid of that corrupt asshat IRS commissioner, John Koskinen, who was appointed by Bathhouse Barry. It’s a complete joke.
Difficult to argue your point, but I think the hurt came from within the Republican Party, not from outside. Ryan, et al could have done much, much more. And still can. But, they’ve all been exposed for being the partisan, greedy political hacks they all are.
What kills me more than anything, is People like Ernst in Iowa getting elected and being able to stay there. Her recent statement on keeping the border open in nothing more than her saying what she’s told to say by the big corn growers, chicken and pig farmers are telling her to say. She may as well have someone else’s hand up her butt when she opens her mouth.