2. In the 1950's and even 1960's vaccines were far fewer.
3. Nevertheless, Jonas Salk--inventor of Polio vaccines wrote that he intended vaccines to be used genocidally as depopulation tools. Bill Gates & his Foundation are following through faithfully on those goals and strategies of Salk's.
4. One region in Mexico throw the vaccine aid worksers out after 75% of their children turned up sterile as a function of the vaccines--by design, of course.
5. Vaccines are a huge topic but there is an ABUNDANCE of evidence that the vaccinators are, on the whole, using pollutants (including mercury) in vaccines for dastardly goals that ARE EFFECTIVE toward their sacred cow of depopulation.
6. The issue of vaccines and autism is hotly debated. There are other contributing factors. However, I think there are enough flags on the play about vaccines and autism that I would severely limit the vaccines any kid of mine took. I don't know about the wisdom of NO vaccines for children. I understand as a group, kids without vaccines do better as a group than kids with vaccines on a list of diseases.
7. IIRC, Q-anon has signaled that this topic will be addressed by Trump in due course.
Very early on in the campaign President Trump mentioned that there were too many vaccines being delivered too quickly.
I’m not a vaccine consipracy person, my son turned out just fine (I blame my genes), but I totally agree with him.