This is my last reply on this topic...
The Keebler Elf had a moral obligation to advise Trump of his recusal BEFORE his nomination.
The Elf chose to deceive Trump...and perhaps that was the insurance plan from the beginning.
The massive corruption at DOJ/FBI required a strong, pro-American to root out the evil and treason. The Keebler Elf was not competent to do this basic job requirement.
To judge the Keebler Elf by FEELINGS from his going away celebration while ignoring the FACTS and RESULTS of his failed record is typical of leftwing liberals and socialist warriors.
As an added insult, he cost the GOP a Senate seat.
The treasonous & incompetent Keebler Elf was truly a reincarnation of Benedict Arnold.
I haven't said so, but I agree with this. I think they brought Whitaker in and said here this guy is going to be your chief of staff like it or don't.
I think they left him in place to make the derps overconfident. Now it's too late and they are wishing they wore brown pants.
The only way I see it differently is if he actually did tell Trump beforehand that he would recuse and GEOTUS has been pretending the outrage
Then again Q said trust sessions....could be disinfo for the derps
Was it worth a reliable senate seat? I don't think so and that is why I question Sessions integrity.