I can understand Hamilton’s reasoning on some of these issues. If it had been left to Jefferson and Madison then we would have been primarily a Agrarian Country with no manufacturing or banking sectors. Hamilton realized we needed a Central government and a more realistic blueprint for a thriving, growing country not dependent solely on England or France.
My guess is that not even Hamilton would accept what we have become at this point. He didn’t believe in people not working and was not inclined to any kind of welfare system as we have now.
He certainly would not accept the Debt we have now. His original plan was to have a sinking fund to take care and pay down debt on a regular basis.
That is what we could use now, yet no one has even suggested that. I wonder why??????????????
Yes, and perhaps Hamilton was a balance to Jefferson and vice verse. Jefferson was too pro-France and Hamilton was too pro-Britain for my taste.
Good points. I guess there was no way Hamilton could equate strong government with big government way back in the late 1700s and early 1800s. I did not know he had a plan to pay down debt.
On various forums liberals are playing the role of economic conservatives. They blame Bush and now Trump for the debt, when I think we all know they are and would never be serious about tackling the deficit let alone the debt.
I am almost in the camp where we just give it up and hope GDP growth keeps revenue growth ahead of debt growth. The public doesn’t even seem serious or concerned anymore.