“5. Start the judicial-proceeding assembly line. Do you have a bona-fide reason to be here? Do you wish to apply for citizenship? There will be no catch-and-release - these people will be detained until cases are heard. “
Hi, Be Free-
That’s the rub, isn’t it?
We are not going to be able to put up tens in the winter. There are many, many organizations that will drag it into court using the legal system to cause havoc.
We will not be able to separate the children, based upon the current legal system, so Mom and Dad get to stay with munchkins. Then the family will have to be released based upon the current legal set-up.
We will not be able to stop others if the borders are open because they will know that they’ll eventually be let go simply based upon the numbers.
War is all about numbers whether it’s supplies or manpower. If a nation can over another nation with either of those then the game is over.
The West has ‘civilized,’ itself to such a point it can no longer see itself defending it’s own peoples using the normal warfare thinking. When the rule of law is no longer applicable/followed, then the barbarians are at the gate.
Believe me - I get all of that. It’s clear that a key tactic is to overwhelm our system so we have no choice but to allow them in - where they’re then disappear into “society”. All courtesy of a single Federal judge who (legislating from the bench) deems that any detention greater than 20 days isn’t permitted.
The counter-tactic is then to provide ample resources to adjudicate within the 20-days - which is exactly what they expect we WON’T do. That way they never get to set foot on US soil unless they have a valid reason. If we do this, there’s also no need/reason to separate the kids from “Mom & Dad”, or whomever they really are.
In other words, meet their numbers with our numbers.