Ford is lying through her teeth, but all the usual suspects in the RAT Party are lining up behind her. What else are they going to do?
Evil is always in agreement.
Cue the baby killers.
Now we know what the baby killers think about it.
What the hell does Planned Parenthood have to do with a judicial nomination and the credibility of the accuser versus the accused?
Could they lose any tax-exempt status for this interference and by promoting one party over another (without any evidence)?
I used to give PP some leeway in their work but they have become the “booted thugs of the feminist movement”.
he allegedly impregnated her by allegedly trying to open her shirt only to discover she was wearing a one-piece swimsuit under her street clothes?
Gloria Steinem said that the first grope was free. Bill Clinton got a pass.
Aziz Ansari got a pass too even though he coerced a non-cooperative “date” into sex.
MeToo is a lie. It is simply an accusation used to tear down political opponents. The charges may or may not be genuine but the calls for dismissal/action are not equally applied. It is weaponized for political purposes, not moral indignation.
It is all about protecting the baby killers.
If Kavanaugh were a pro-abort liberal, they would be perfectly okay with him having committed outright rape against 50 15 yo girls at age 17. The real issue is that they are afraid he will vote to repeal Roe v. Wade, and take away their cash cow.
They must see it as a missed abortion opportunity. Missed out on some publicity.
Planned Homicide would believe in unicorns if I showed them a horse with an ice cream cone taped to its head...
Id say theres a conflict of interest since shes in a related industry. Not that PP has any ethical standards grubbing, baby part selling ghouls...