Well, if 90% of the MSM and social media stops feeding us nothing but lies, hate, and division... (Spooks mostly gone...)
If we see ongoing whack a mole when each new bad actor thinks they can try their hand... (Corruption, trafficking, etc...)
If the 40 - 60% we get to see disclosed, itself gives evidence that the remainder has also been addressed...
If we get real money back... (Our money is not (((Their’s))) anymore... Fed Ended...)
If the CIA is gone, or at least not (((Their’s))) anymore...
Then yeah, it’s down to the embers.
I’m with you, just don’t want people to think that all secret crap is going to come out. Likely still won’t know what really goes on at Area 51, what really happened in Vegas etc. I look forward to the rope shortage resulting from pedo justice.