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To: fatima

Imperator Rex:

1. Right now, I’m 100% with Thomas on this.

The entire scenario is too concocted. For example, Trump & Kelly already knew Omarosa recorded people.

So we are meant to believe that they just allowed her into the situation room to be fired, with zero security check?

Come on.

2. ‘Hey, shouldn’t we check Omarosa for bugging devices? What if she tries to record the conversation?’

‘Nah, don’t worry about it. Who cares?’

SORRY - don’t buy it. That’s not how Trump or Kelly operate.

They knew she was recording it. And if I’m right, she knew they knew.

3. My working theory? Like Michael Cohen, Omarosa has been tasked to get inside the enemy camp, especially the #FakeNews slave media complex.

Her mask? the BITTER ex-employee of Trump, bent on revenge.

Her objective? RECORD THEM.

4. The tape recording with Kelly has ZERO incriminating material about Trump, or Kelly.

If anything, it confirms that they did exactly the right thing. We saw this with the Cohen tapes, as well.

Notice how the media slaves dropped Cohen like a hot potato, BTW?

5. Now it COULD be that Omarosa is indeed a nutcase, spewing BS. And that somehow she was able to secrete a recording device into the situation room, taped her firing without Kelly knowing it & then got out of the WH with it.

And is only now airing it.

But I find that UNLIKELY.

6. The WH Situation Room is more a military bunker than a conference room. It is in a basement under the WH, heavily fortified and staffed full-time with military and intelligence analysts.

In short, a ‘nerve center’. One of the most secure places on the planet.

7. ‘The...staff is composed of approximately 30 personnel, organized around five Watch Teams...with 7-day, 24-hour monitoring of international events. A Watch Team includes three Duty Officers, a communications assistant, and an intelligence analyst.…

8. The notion that Omarosa would be fired there, is in itself totally implausible. But that she recorded the firing while inside that room?

Nonsense. That she could record ANY conversation with Kelly or Trump in the WH, without them knowing?

Again, delusional.

9. People keep underestimating Trump’s strategic genius, sharpened from years in the ruthless construction scene.

To protect himself, he has used an extensive network of spies & PIs for DECADES. They gather dirt on his enemies, so Trump is always ahead of the curve.

10. He is also the greatest student of Sun Tzu in history.

Several of us have demonstrated this REPEATEDLY, for 18 months now.

This includes the use of Sun Tzu’s spy system:
The Art of War by Sun Tzu Chapter 13: The Use of Spies, the most important and most famous military treatise in Asia for the last two thousand years

11. I’d encourage everyone to read that link. I speculated recently that Cohen may well be an ‘surviving spy’, tasked to get behind enemy lines and to return with information (recording).

Ditto, Omarosa.

Don’t bet against it.

12. Of course, both could be traitors, who have betrayed Trump and have made their bed with slave media.

Omarosa loves fame. She could be doing this for her 15 minutes (and jail).

But guess what? Trump would have prepared for that as well.

13. Anyone who holds that pov is ALSO saying that Trump is a naive fool, who has been played TWICE, using exactly the same MO (tapes).

You can believe that if you want.

I DON’T. No way

Again, don’t UNDERESTIMATE his genius.

14. In ‘Think Big’ (mid 2000s), Trump has a chapter titled ‘DO NOT TRUST ANYONE’.

“I used to say, ‘Go out and get the best people, and trust them.’ Over the years I have seen too many shenanigans, and now I say, ‘Get the best people and don’t trust them.’
15. This is NOT a naive man. Quote:

‘The world is a vicious and brutal place. Even your friends are out to get you: They want your job, they want your house, they want your money, they want your wife, and they even want your dog.’’

16. There’s more than meets the eye to this Omarosa ‘scandal’. You can be sure of that. CNN’s April Ryan may be the only MSM reporter who has twigged to what’s going on:

Omarosa! I hear you mentioned me on Meet The Press. Don’t reference me or use my name. Keep my name out of your mouth. You have done enough. Your lies and crazy behavior are catching up to you. Can you say National Security breach? Lawyer up!

Her colleagues have ALL taken the bait.

17. WATCH. If I’m right, it will soon be revealed that Omarosa has tapes ALL her meetings with #FakeNews - including April Ryan, of course.

And that she has given them ALL to Trump, as instructed.

#FakeNews will drop Omarosa, just like they did Cohen.

18. Of course, Omarosa may well have decided to try and take Trump down.

That’s the popular narrative. I get that.

It’s also known as a one way hellride to oblivion. Colloquially, a suicide mission.

Trump will DESTROY her.

19. Either way, Trump will have planned for every contingency

He has ALREADY won. As per usual.

‘Victorious warriors win first and then go to war.’

So don’t worry. Enjoy the show!


The end.

258 posted on 08/12/2018 3:00:54 PM PDT by little jeremiah (When we do not punish evildoers we are ripping the foundations of justice from future generations)
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To: little jeremiah
More interesting theories from Rex:

1.. A thread on how Team Trump is preparing the normies for what is coming : major Swamp Draining. Many look at the kabuki theater in Congress, as the way to evaluate 'Trump v Swamp'. They misunderstand the role Trump has assigned to Congress, in this great American scandal.

2. The strategy is becoming clearer now.  Consider : Trump KNOWS EVERYTHING. This isn't a situation where he is flying blind. The evidence is in, all of it. Has been for a long time. The issue isn't WHAT Trump has.  It's HOW to bring the perps to justice. And WHEN.

3. IMO, Trump's main challenge hasn't been so much in the evidence gathering, or even in enforcement. Sessions, Huber (& I suspect other USAs) are quietly going about their business. The main challenge has been EDUCATING & PREPARING the public, for what is to come.

4. Remember, Trump has ZERO support from Obama & Clinton media slaves, which once dominated the media landscape, but still have power.  In fact, most of the outlets involved were part of the conspiracy. They LIE and actively oppose Trump, 24/7.  They're complicit.

5. So HOW to bring justice down on the crooks? You need popular support. And understanding. The public need tobe aware that terrible crimes occurred in 2015/16. And also softened up, for major law enforcement action to come.

6. That means Trump has to by-pass the Obama/Clinton slave media complex, in a way that makes them redundant. The WHEN question is decided: the takedown will be calibrated to destroy the Dems, in the mid term elections. But back to the HOW question.

7. To by-pass the Obama/Clinton slave media, Team Trump have executed a highly organized, disciplined, complex and co-ordinated information campaign.  IMO, they're using FOUR different channels, to educate, prepare and build a massive network of support, under the radar.

8. Each channel is run by specific individuals /key players, who have specific objectives, as well as different access levels, to the trove of evidence Trump has. What are the 4 main channels?

9. I think Twitter, FOX, Congress & 'Q' are the four main channels to get the word out. Plus a handful of brilliant, courageous & independent journalists. Wait - did you read 'Q'? Yes.

10. A quick comment on 'Q'.  I've never bought into the 'Q is a larp' theory . Larps give up after a time. They get tired, rejected or bored. However, I've also ALWAYS rejected the theory that 'Q' is gospel truth.  And still do.

11. Most of the Q gang assume that every Q 'breadcrumb' is 100% true. Many believe it is Trump himself. They're wrong. That's naive. I don't really care who Q is. Nor do I care if Q is predicting stuff, before it happens.  BECAUSE THAT'S NOT THE POINT.

12.  'Q' IS a genuine pro-Trump propaganda/education & awareness campaign.  It is organized, targeted and sophisticated. Also, enduring.Is the information 'Q' posts misinformation, or real? Answer: BOTH.

13. IMO, the 'Q project' objective has been to create mass awareness, discussion, engagement & loyalty to the 'Drain the Swamp' project. It's about creating pro-Trump 'informed SPECULATION.' And to DISPERSE it throughout social media, by-passing the MSM.

14. The concept is GENIUS. Beyond brilliant and unique.  It allows Trump supporters to engage with each other anonymously, important in the current atmosphere, where outing yourself as pro-Trump is still a risky thing to do. But the genius is the use of social media,to do it.]

15. 4Chan disseminates info with high velocity. Q can drop a 'breadcrumb', a hint, photo, a coded thread on current Trump events, inviting speculation among 'anons'.  Within minutes, it's being viewed and discussed by MILLIONS of people on 4Chan, twitter, YouTube, Minds etc.

16. Inevitably some 'anons' become so fascinated, that they dedicate their time to deciphering what the messages mean.  Very intelligently, too. Result? A massive network of pro-Trump speculation. For very little cost. See the genius in it?

17. The point of Q is to use misinformation, mixed with true nuggets of real intel, to produce mass SPECULATION.  At the same time, to EDUCATE the growing 'Q' community about what is actually happening, plus providing pointers to the future. And to lure new followers.

18. IMO 'Q' isn't one person. It's a collection of individuals loyal to Trump, from within the IC and WH.  Does Trump know about Q? YES. Most certainly. He doesn't have time to administer the program, but he'd be green lighting a lot of it.

19. A twitter buddy asked me who I think is involved. Trump's a key part of it, I'm sure. Also IMO Stephen Millar, maybe even General Flynn and Steve Bannon.  BUT we will never know. Nor do we need to. 'Q' is just one component of an over-arching comms strategy.

20. What about the other 3 channels? FOX : that's obvious. The Hannity Posse & Lou Dobbs are the main players.  Hannity has been given enough information to drop the occasional bombshell. And to whip up the base. He knows the enormity of the scandal. But not all the details.

21. BTW, Hannity's rabid anti-Sessions content is easy for us to lampoon as BS, but normies totally buy it.  It's also a very effective way to create distance between Trump & Sessions, important for when Sessions needs to demonstrate his independence.

22. So that's Twitter, Q, FOX.  What about Congress, the 4th channel?  Well, it seems clear that Trump has entrusted select Congressional figures, with different levels of knowledge, about the criminality in the 2016 election.

23. Grassley, Goodlatte and Nunes are the key players. In turn, they assign specific access and intel to others (eg Jordan, Gaetz).  BUT their role is NOT to drain the swamp.  Those of you who think you'll ever get satisfaction from Congress, will always be disappointed.

24. There's a reason for that. Trump knows full well that Congress can't be given the evidence he has. It is corrupt and untrustworthy, on both sides. Evidence given will be leaked and contaminated.  Another thing.

25. Many of the crooks are in Congress. Why give them a heads up of what you have?  It would be madness, to do so. No, IMO the role of the select individuals in Congress is above all, to expose the crooks & educate the public.

26. Those Grassley/Goodlatte/Nunes letters? They are pointers to the evidence Trump ALREADY HAS.  They're letters to the public. To you & me. And the normies. Those kabuki Congressional sessions? Think of them as public education and softening up.

27. Perhaps Nunes will be given the honor of dropping some bombshells, that expose the worst. He's been magnificent.  Plus, it's important that this comes from Congress, which needs root & branch reform. But Trump himself will deliver the hammer blow. By declassification.

28. After that, the floodgates will open.  Now, some of you might say that all this is very 'unPresidential'. Well, screw that. You MUST remember who Trump is dealing with.

29. Real nasty SOBs, who were destroying America, while the population slept. And who'd be happy to do so again, if given a chance. Trump WILL stop them, but it requires real cunning and genius strategy. That's the HOW.

30. People ask 'Will Trump win?'. WRONG QUESTION.  Trump has ALREADY won.   'Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.' (Sun Tzu).

31. Smashing 'Operation Crossfire' to splinters, breaks the dam wide open. Trump will then have even bigger targets in his sights after these mid-terms, all the way to 2020.  He'll take them down, too. You can be certain of that.


The end.

283 posted on 08/12/2018 4:44:27 PM PDT by CaptainK ("no collusion, no obstruction, he's a leaker")
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To: little jeremiah

I really liked that link. I also recommend The Prince by Machiavelli. It’s about what a new prince (rueler) must do and must not do, in order to retain and consolidate power. Changed my thinking.

310 posted on 08/12/2018 5:26:47 PM PDT by ichabod1 (If there is to be war, let it begin here.)
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To: little jeremiah


331 posted on 08/12/2018 5:54:57 PM PDT by bitt (We know not what course others may take, but as for me, Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!)
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To: little jeremiah
The portion of the Omarosa tape that I heard was very high quality. Cell phone?


347 posted on 08/12/2018 6:15:38 PM PDT by bagster ( "Even bad men love their mamas.")
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To: little jeremiah

VERY nice work!

628 posted on 08/13/2018 7:45:41 AM PDT by COUNTrecount (If only Harvey Weinstein's bathrobe could talk.)
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To: little jeremiah

:)Thanks Lil J.Now she has a recording of Trump saying what happened.:)Hey at least she got some good wedding pictures.

645 posted on 08/13/2018 8:35:03 AM PDT by fatima (Free Hugs Today :))
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