Baggie, my poor misguided man-hands loving friend, yes, it is wrong to feel the way you do. Yep, feelings can be wrong!
You should be happy that the lib did the shooting...if all works out and no under-the-table deals are hatched, the lib will be doing at least 5 years in prison.
A smart conservative knows just how far to push until the lib does something stupid. Surely you, a decorated veteran of the troll wars, know about drawing your enemy into the trap.
Everytime a Democrat commits a felony (and loses his right to vote) an angel gets its wings, and a Republican gets another vote. Look at the big picture, sweety!
Yea. There is that.
But if feelings can be wrong, I should be doing twenty to life without in Gitmo.
But I do love my mana (see tagline).