I think Bolshies is excellent. I did call them pinkos for a while, and my generally used term is commiepukes.
The interesting question for the historians is how the Democratic Party transformed itself into the American Bolshevik Party? Bush created the seeds for it when he created the grand alliance of crooks so he could invade Iraq. Obama built on it, and then Trump came along and took the big slice out of the center leaving the democrats with their radicals and GOPe with their cron capitalist crooks.
Back in the day, when we were allowed to use language like this, we used to call them “pinko commie fags” and they published magazine and papers called “pinko commie rags”. We didn’t used fag as a gay insult, we used it as a “weirdo wacko” designation. Oh, and there were hand motions involving one’s pinky finger!
I like bolshies because they are playing the bolshevik game - having limited support among the populace (for good reason they want to kill us!), they ramp up their appearance of support by being very very loud and violent and lying even when the truth would serve them better.