Not only was he a refugee, he was an unaccompanied infant, abandoned by his mother without a clue of what his fate could be.
Next thing we'll be told is that the infant's original language was honduran or mexican, and the cruel inhumane 'mericans forced him to learn English...
Isn't that amazing that in the world of forty and fifty-something adult children (ACs)who read comic books graphic novels now, sounds more adult, you know, the ACs want to pretend that they are normal adults, with useful input into adult matters.
I, for one, am not disposed to humor them.
Sent to Earth as a baby by his parents just before his home planet Krypton was destroyed, he was raised by a kind couple on a farm in Kansas and grew up to be the world's greatest hero.
Nothing of value or importance ever happens in flyover country.
Truth revealed : Superbaby actually was raised by a gay couple in San Francisco, Bruce and Niquan, with a solid grounding in rainbows, unicorns and the money fairy.
Fortunately Natives of Krypton are immune to AIDS, STDs crap all over the streets, and all the other disgusting diseases of San Francisco, so everything worked out in the end.
I have it all on good authority.