We tried Goats. Problem was we needed good fencing. The rope/cable thing was a challenge because they just got tangled up. The weedeater and CHEAP plant killer was just way too convenient.
Plus, I love working in the woods, clearing brush and making paths. It’s a hobby.
Your method makes me think of my youth, and also, ticks, chiggers, copperheads, wasps, hornets, bumble bees, poison ivy rash, and other things that I got impatient with in Missouri.
I one time went down a ravine to check out a small wooded area like this and walked through about 40 yards of crown vetch to get down to the woods. I checked it out, came back up but then got busy for the rest of the afternoon. That night I had about 75 chigger bites from that crown vetch. Just the worst time for their life cycle and I was in misery for about a week.
An article I read recommends confining them to a half-acre at a time, then moving the fencing to another half-acre, using metal posts and wire roll fencing.