Sorry Laura. It’s none of your business. This has been going on for years. The “parents” knew they were going to be separated from their children prior to breaking U.S. laws and sneaking into the country. Hopefully, the Border Patrol is checking to see if these kids actually belong to the “parents” they are being separated from.
They are. That is one thing that slows down the whole process. The minors are often not related to the adults they are detained with. The minors are sent with coyotes, friends, whoever. Some are being trafficked for prostitution. The minors and adults will lie about their connections over and over, and show false documents. They will also lie about where their parents are; some of their parents are still in their country and some are already living here illegally. This has to be sorted out, it is difficult and time consuming.
The truth is the illegals separate families as a matter of course through the whole process.