Will Democrats AGAIN sabotage the economy for political power as they did in shielding Freddie and Fannie’s 2006 collapse from investigation (circa 2003) that could’ve avoided that?
Finally! Somebody has outright said it besides me. The 2006-8 economic collapse was ENGINEERED. Fake oil speculation by liberals. A run on the market by foreign entities ( George Soros and his merry band of Elite Fascists). Freddie and Fannie with CRAZY policies with Dodd and Frank blocking controls. This is what spiraled the economy and DAMAGED so many Americans.
You can bet your country the Democrats are going to try to do it again! Rigging the election failed. The deep state failed. Impeachment is a fail. So....the next agenda is to repeat how the got the last disaster by the American people.
Yep, that is the real question. What will they do to create the crisis.
The only way for liberals to stay and remain in power is to produce misery and hardships for others, either directly or indirectly and once this happens pretend to be the ones who can help to correct the problem what really never happens. Unfortunately way too many people are unable to see through this charade and get drawn into this trap of deception until it is too late with the world full of examples. Of course this doesn’t imply that conservatives are always exemplary pillars of righteousness either.
Of course Democrats had to cover it up. Clinton administration insiders Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick were all over that one.
I have always thought that the whole 2007-2008 recession was designed to elect Obama, with the help of the Bush family. The timing was impeccable, Obama was trotted out like someone who actually knew what he was doing and was going to solve all of our problems, totally choreographed. I’m still not so sure that we weren’t better off with Obama than McCain anyway, it sure woke up the American people regarding socialism (at least some of them).