“The dog is the servant. “
YOU (the human) walk the dog because of the dog’s schedule and health and YOU (the human) have to pick up the sh*t directly when it takes a dump in the street.
Who is the “servant” again?
Women are prone to attack by predators for several reasons. Time of month, posture, voice inflections/ pleading/comforting and etc. predators try to take the weakest to limit their own damage. They are emboldened with support from pack mates. This is predator/prey behavior. Been this way since the time man left his cave. Never diminish the effect of smell and blood in a situation. May be a scrap to you but your senses suck when compared to a predator. Children just magnify the issues.
My dog is my personal trainer and an excuse to wander around places that might otherwise raise suspicions.
I’m curious, my dog more so.
It’s all good.
Lol - so true. I’m not a dog owner, but the people I know who are, are DEFINITELY the ones doing the serving. Life revolves around Mr. Doggie - they can’t even stay out for long because of their “servant’s” needs.