Likely before that...Jarrett, Axelrod, Emanuel and the Chicago groups were already operational before he even announced...and we don’t know ow many were already implants in Washington before he got there
The biggest news story of the day is that it's day 5 of the Q drought. FReeQville is a ghost town and the weird factor is ratcheting up. Just a few of the top stories the Oracle is following;
~~~ The President said that a U.S. team is going ahead with plans for the North Korea summit "just in case" it still takes place. *wink*.
~~~ Apparently, General Black Jack Pershing has something to do with current events. This according to somebody's radio or or something. *wink*.
~~~ Some Hillary-bot tried to say that President Trump is involved in child-trafficking over one of Obama's immigration policies. This was an apparent attempt to cast a protective shield over the HBIC's (Head bitch in charge) own connection to child and sex trafficking scandals. It's the Clinton/Alinsky way.
~~~ Jerome Corsi is still fat. When he sits around the internet, he sits AROUND the internet.
~~~ Has anybody seen edzo4?
Until next time sportsfans, see ya round the popsicle stand. Same Q time. Same Q channel.
Lesser Oracle