*spooky spy music*
Lesser Oracle
Which leads me back to thinking that, due to the including of O'Callaghan in the meeting, he will be placed into the number 3 spot in the AG Office and become the effective acting new Rosenstein, from the 3 slot.
I will go fufther, base on yesterday's convo with cboldt. I think if appointed from within the DOJ, the three slot doesn't require Senate confirmation. I could titally be wrong on that one though, so if anybody knows for sure I'd be glad to know.
I like my Callaghan theory. Gowdy second best, but he could only last 210 days perhaps.
Corlorde is right. This IS a mess.
I'm taking a break. Somebody smart tell me what's up, please.
Lesser Oracle
He isn't invited to the meeting. 'The President has lost confidence in ...' Done fired or out of the way, then Francisco goes three.