Yes, of course. Plus the US has a history of back-stabbing.
-- Our news media wouldn't give us a true picture of the Norks even if they could get in there. --
The media message will be designed to advance the outcome preferred by globalist and crony capitalist interests. The press will always message to the detriment of Trump and like-minded.
Senator Shaheen (D-NH) says she doesn't understand what "maximum pressure" against NK means. Pompeo explains.
The DEM line is that Trump is not cooperating with allies. He didn't cooperate in scrapping the Iran deal, etc.
Pompeo is making Shaheen look like the fruitcake that she is. All we are asking is that Iran not launch missiles into Saudi Arabia, and the Germans ought to have the same expectation of Iran.
C-SPAN3 .... FoxNews is too busy with idiot talking heads and inane speculation.
I saw a post somewhere last night - on Twitter I believe - that the Iranians are pressing to get some window to pull their revolutionary guard troops out of Syria.
Cboldt, I really do suspect that either a) Trump.and Kim have already met in secret ironing out at least some details or b) Pompeo and Kim ironed it out except the “rat killin” with only formality of signitures/handshakes needed. Recognizing NK has plenty of reason for lack of trust toward us do you think I’m in la-la fantasy world.