That is an EXCELLENT thread. So is the related thread posted by REX,
I think the REX thread was posted by someone earlier. BOTH are excellent.
BO will go down, IMO.
FR is all about the repetition, few people read all the posts!
From what we know, Obama’s blundering Treason cannot hold a candle to FDR-—who DELIBERATELY:
1. Sacrificed many thousands of U.S. soldiers through abandonment in Batann and Corregidor (sacrificing Phillipines—all to help USSR).
2. Provoked war with Japan in furtherance of Soviet interests
3. Surrounded himself with agents of Stalin (Harry Hopkins, Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss and many, many others)
4. Gave half of Europe to Stalin, sacrificing millions of lives. (Many aspects of this—all deliberate and despicable)
5. Yalta was merely the final chapter of FDR’s TREASON.
6. Gave China to the Communists.
There is so much more to this hidden history of the U.S.
The New Deal was totally to jump-start communism.
It’s time for Americans to recognize the TREASON of FDR administration that set the stage for So Much Evil that has followed.