Wow. You sound like you have a mama girl thread Food chat chip on your shoulder. Which, incidentally I havent seen take on, here. No more than any other general chit chat :)
I also mean no disrespect and was honestly happy to see you join these threads.
I hope everyone can make peace and enjoy each others company and camaraderie.
The aforementioned *threadmama reference, I confess, belongs to *bags. It’s a few days old. It was pretty apt and I stole it, blatantly.
The “food chat & and photos” were too prevalent “over there”, to resist the laugh line.
After all, it may be our future “over here”.
PS: I know you were sincere. I appreciate it.
We just this time, adamantly disagree about what has happened to this thread, who has disrupted this thread, who has taken satisfaction in it, ignored our thread hostess in the process, called home, and how and when it started.
Back to work, or we’re now so whined up, we’re at risk of losing this thread. Needs to stop.