l O O k
h e r e
Looking Glass
with phase conjugation
“I don’t understand . . .’ “ said Alice. “It’s dreadfully confusing!”
“That’s the effect of living backwards,” the Queen said kindly: “it
always makes one a little giddy at first- ‘’
“Living backwards!” Alice repeated in great astonishment. “I never
heard of such a thing!”
-Lewis Carroll
Imagine a mirror that reflects more
light than was incident, that reflects a
beam into the same direction regardless
of the mirror’s tilt, that eliminates
image distortions by causing light
rays to retrace their paths as if running
backward in time, and that when looked at
At left. A whimsical look at four aspects
of phase-conjugate reflection. These are
(clockwise from upper left) backwardtraveling
wavefronts, light returning to
its point of origin, time reversal, and
restoration of beam quality.
allows the observer to see absolutely nothing.
Science fiction, you say? Well, such mirrors
have been the subject of intense investigation
both here at Los Alamos and at other
research laboratories around the world. Not
only do they exist, but their practical applications
may be far-reaching.
What is Dreamland? Just a part of Area 51? More than that? Thanks.