Absolutely. Never go wrong by learning. Discovering what other find or see different viewpoints. Usually read it early in morning. Have been limited on research for personal reasons but have done my share even on here. Guess we freep at different times. Doesn’t take much to become aware of who works and who plays here does it?
There IS much learning going on here. And FR researchers have been known as the best for decades. There are a half dozen or more that stay on the FR mail for some topic. Keeps the thoughts uncluttered for analysis! It’s another aspect that some are not aware of.
Oh I never think of it as work. I might do some research on Looking Glass, and then I might play a song. I don't approve or disapprove of a post based on it's author. I read it, say "Wow, wonder who wrote this? Pretty good". And then a page or two later, that same author might post something I think is way out there.
So since I don't assign a value to each poster's name, I am free to agree or disagree with their posts...not them.
And I find the silly stuff is needed also. Group building exercises you might say.
What I can't abide is the one person who says "Listen, this is my way, so do it my way. If you don't do it my way, get off the thread. If you don't agree with me, get off the thread." Nope, can't work like that.