You must admit that “We knew about Trump meeting with Kim in the forbidden city and making a deal with him weeks before any word of it came out” comes off as very matter-of-fact, thus my questions at which you to umbrage.
What you say now is that you did not, in fact, know this would take place for a certainty beforehand. Only that, once it was announced, Hey! all these disparate pieces of info I knew beforehand now fit together and make perfect sense in hindsight.
And if that is not a mischaracterization of where you are at, then I have nothing critical to say of you or the Q.
It takes connecting the dots and applying logic to establish things as "fact" absent main stream news reports. And that type of thing happens a lot in the Q spectrum of analysis. You are certainly aware of the fake news media and how they report.
So Q is like reading a newspaper that nobody else gets to see. That's pretty much it. Straight up predictions, like the antiQs keep harping on, aren't really how it works.
Anyway, that's how I see it.