ALT + PrntScrn
Windows Key (it is to the right of the Ctrl buton) + print screen (to the right of F12 on the top) and then paste into Paint.
Print Screen button brings up a cross that you can drag into a rectangle. When you “let go” the picture is saved SOMEWHERE on your computer. The art form for those with an immense file system is where it went. I’ve always found the button somewhere near the top right of my keyboard.
How about Ctrl + PrtScr?
Seems to have changed with Win 10. On my Win 8 keyboard one of the six buttons upper right said 'screen copy', 'print screen' or similar. Now, to the right of the space bar, is a darkened key labeled 'fn' which apparently does not stand for 'fun' which is pushed along with one of the aforementioned six buttons now labeled 'insert' as well as 'prt scr'... at least it is so on my Win 10 keyboard. sigh If you have a notebook, laptop or tablet sans keybord you will have to ask someone more intelligent than moi.
I do it by hitting the control and then print screen buttons together.I then open Paint. Control key and “v” together will drop the screenshot then you can save it on your hard drive.
I take that back. It looks like it’s 50 bucks. Might be other free tools. Will keep an eye out.