Here, we know there was serious Russian effort to influence the electionbecause there have been indictments on that from Muellers team.
Really? The fact that there are indictments tells us all that? Indictments of whom? Huh...doesn't say. For what? Huh...doesn't say. But we just know there were serious crimes involved because, uh, because, because of secret indictments and anyway, Stormy Daniels!
Sorry, Skippy, due process has come up a little short here, like about 95%. What we actually have here is an Independent Counsel whose prosecutorial abuse is far better documented than the fairy dust against Trump, proudly proclaimed untouchable by people who clearly don't know what they're talking about, quoting one another solemnly as if they were Dephic Oracles. Tell your idiot fairy tales to somebody who cares.
Muller has announced 19 indictments of which 13 are, "of Russian persons or entities". None of those have implicated any participation by any Trump associates.
Flynn and Manafort are two other indictments and neither are collusion related but, "not being truthful with investigators" process indictments. He may have withheld exculpatory evidence in the Flynn case where the invastigators felt he was being truthful.
I can't come up with anything else off the top of my head. Anybody?