As Ive stated your premise that southern interests always got voted down is false. Does Dred Scott ring any bells? How about the tariff of 1857?
Sheesh you lie a lot!
Stating that someone else's premise is false is a very different thing from demonstrating it to be false. You've brought up the tariff thing before, and I acknowledged that they voted for them (and the Navigation act of 1817) in previous years, but I also pointed out that they did not realize at that time how this would come back to bite them in the rear, and by the time they figured it out, they no longer had the ability to vote them back out.
Sheesh you lie a lot!
And you are a little quick to declare that someone disagreeing with you equals lying. You may not have realized it at the time, but I didn't agree with your claim that the South agreed with the tariffs because Southern state congressmen had previously supported them.
By the time of the Civil War, they no longer supported them, and the saw them as excessively costly to their interests, and biased towards Northern interests.
Have we made any progress on the Math/Numbers topic? I'm waiting for you to either agree, or dispute some particular of my math or numbers.