To: hoosiermama
Which presser? OTOH, ‘all here’ could be Gitmo.
2,500 posted on
04/06/2018 2:08:45 PM PDT by
(The Final Thunderdome: Two Americas enter, One America leaves)
To: txhurl; NIKK
One named in graphic Q just posted by the DOJ
Sorry my cell won’t let me post graphic here. Nikk will post it shortly
I’ve messaged it to her
2,515 posted on
04/06/2018 2:15:42 PM PDT by
(When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.DJT)
To: txhurl
6 pm doj presser on takedown of and affiliated websites is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson