Heres a picture of some little no-knead baguettes that I made. The recipe was real similar to the ones I posted, except at the end you just roll them into oblong shapes. And of course slashing the ears is important, see how much they spread? And then the little edges of them get nice and crusty.
The pictures I posted previously came from the Internet. These are actually my own! I was like a proud mama, and had to take pictures :-)
It was cooked on the lid of a lodge combo unit. For the first 20 minutes you keep the bottom part of the combo unit on top of it, and that creates the right environment for it to rise, have steam, all that good stuff. In the last 10 minutes you take the cover of So it will brown.. Everything is at about 500° so be super careful. See how brown that parchment paper got?
Click on the pictures to enlarge them. If anyones interested I will post the recipe. I got it off of YouTube, so I had to write the directions down as I was watching. They are tiny, as you can tell that they are sitting on just a 10 inch lid. But I thought I might be able to figure out how to make a large sized French baguette using the same recipe.
Herman - Amish Friendship bread
These are recipes in which the starter sourdough is used. If want to see posted, let me know.
Amish Cinnamon Bread
Amish Friendship Bread made with instant pudding
Friendship Cake
Herman Muffins
Herman Coffeecake
Herman Pancakes
Herman Chocolate Cream Cake
Herman Waffles
Herman Biscuits
Amish Friendship Bread
Herman Cookies
Herman French Bread
Herman Cinnamon Rolls
Herman Cornbread
Herman Carmel Nut Rolls
Sourdough Gingerbread Belgian Waffles
Sourdough Pumpkin Spice Bread
Pizza Dough (His Kid-for you :-))
Sourdough Donuts
Sourdough Chocolate Cake
Sourdough Apple Sauce Cake
Sourdough Sugar Cookies
Sourdough Peanut Butter Cookies
Chicken and Sourdough Dumplings
Sourdough Carrot Cake
Sourdough Crumpets
Sourdough Pizza Crust
Sweet Potato Fritters
Herman Doughnuts
Chocolate Chip Sourdough Muffins
Sourdough Drop Biscuits
Herman Applesauce Donuts